A brief overview of abdul wali khan university mardan

The abdul wali khan university was established on 4th may 2009. It is initiated in Mardan in order to provide education facilities not only to the local students of Mardan but also to the students of other surrounding areas. The chair of the Vice Chancler was awarded to Mr. Dr Ihsan Ali who was also the Vice Chancler of Hazara University at that time. The main campus of the university is situated at the post graduate college Mardan. The other two campuses were also imitated; one in Shankar in which mostly the science subjects are teach while the other is situated at Ripat maahal in which the arts subjects are operating. Recently the university has initiated two other campuses one at Umbar in Sawabi district and the other is situated in Charsada.

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Now presently about two thousand and seven hundered students are studying in this university. The M.Ed and B.AD programs are also imitated in the university. The private programs of MA are also imitated in it. In the present year the university has provided one hundred scholarships to the regular and eligible students of the university. The other achievement of the university is that it has also initiated the program of MS in the science and other subjects with in one year of its establishment which no other university has donned not only in Pakistan but also in history of the world. And it is the unique feature of this university.

The university was established with the utmost assistance of the present government of ANP, and especially with the help of chief minister of Khyber pukhtoonkhwa Mr. amir haider khan hoti, who did their best in taking the initial steps of the university. The other dynamic and unique personality was Mr. Dr Ihsan Ali, the VC of the university and whose selection as a vice chancler proved to be true, because all these achievements were not possible without his assistance. Presently the university has acquired seven transport buses to provide the most reliable transpiration services to their students. In the recent days a girl’s college is also initiated to provide the extraordinary education to the students.

The Abdul Wali Khan university Mardan (AWKUM) will promote universal brotherhood and dignity of human beings through selfless service as practised and envisaged by late Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan. The distinction of caste, colour and creed would be eliminated and the mark of the respect will be the consequence of scholastic achievement and humane behavior of the indivisual and not his breed.
The Abdul Wali Khan university Mardan (AWKUM) will promote universal brotherhood and dignity of human beings through selfless service as practised and envisaged by late Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan. The distinction of caste, colour and creed would be eliminated and the mark of the respect will be the consequence of scholastic achievement and humane behavior of the indivisual and not his breed.

Vice chancller,s message:
  I visualize a very brilliant future of Abdul Wali Khan university Mardan which would cater for the needs of thousands of young scholars whose rich intellectual potentialities have not been hitherto allowed to develop properly due to non existence of opportunities. The university would attract the students from Mardan, Swabi, Nowsehra, Charsadda, Swat, Shangla, Dir, Bunair, Chitral, Northern Punjab, Kohat, Southern parts of NWFP, and the extensive Tribal region along the boundaries of the Province. These dynamic and youthful minds of the region will certainly contribute to make AWK university Mardan a true seat of learning and citadel of peace, serenity and harmony for joining together the vast empire of human society and would eliminate the menace of ignorance, poverty and disease from this Pak Land of ours.
  Initially the faculty of university was taken on temporary basis but with in the two months the university acquired their best and outstanding staff members of highly ranked universities in order to provide the best education to their students in this modern and competitive world. All the staff members are highly qualified and have full command in their subjects. All the staff members are doing their best to bring the students and the university as example for others.

Examination procedure:
  The examination in the university is mostly semester system and the exam is taking according to the rules and regulations of the university. The university following their strict rules  in order to avoid any possibility of cheating during the examination.
 The university has acquired a group of well trained security gaurds which providing security not only to the university but also to the students and staff members.

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