Abdul wail khan university mardan shankar campus

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A brief overview of abdul wali khan university mardan

 History: The abdul wali khan university was established on 4th may 2009. It is initiated in Mardan in order to provide education facilities not only to the local students of Mardan but also to the students of other surrounding areas. The chair of the Vice Chancler was awarded to Mr. Dr Ihsan Ali who was also the Vice Chancler of Hazara University at that time. The main campus of the university is situated at the post graduate college Mardan. The other two campuses were also imitated; one in Shankar in which mostly the science subjects are teach while the other is situated at Ripat maahal in which the arts subjects are operating. Recently the university has initiated two other campuses one at Umbar in Sawabi district and the other is situated in Charsada. Here's the word processor...

Abdul wali khan university mardan(shankar campus)

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Abdul wail khan university mardan shankar campus

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